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Pengakuan Tulus Keluarga Pasien

Jan Jan reviewed Farwaniya Hospital—
I just want to thank CCU doctors and staff specially for those who shown their care with love to my uncle for the past 50 days...hope we can meet same kindhearted staff in the ward...God bless CCU...you are all truely God's instruments ofcaring all your patients..I believe its not just because you are paid to do your job but most of you are doing beyond due to the passion of your chosen profession... thank you!!!! Farwaniya Hospital
Mendengar ungkapan yang jujur dari pihak keluarga pasien ini ada rasa gimana gitu.. sulit diungkapkan dengan kata. Ada rasa haru, ada rasa kagum, setengah iri (bukan dengki), ada rasa menyesal.

Ayo bro rekan tenaga kesehatan, kamu bisa!!
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